A downloadable game


A 9-Room Zungeon for Knave and Other OSR Systems

Musick has Charms to
Sooth a Savage Breast,
To soften Rocks,
Or bend a knotted Oak

-William Congreve
“The Mourning Bride” (1697)

In the beginning was the void, and the void was silent. Then came the species of the world, who filled the lands with clamor and song. Eagrus, disciple of Bekara the Shrouded One, disdained the bedlam of the world and sought to silence it once again.

But Kauna, Lady of Song, thwarted the Void Singer’s plans and imprisoned him in a tomb constructed to negate his powers. Kauna swathed the tomb in immutable magics, allowing her celestial warriors to serve forever after as Eagrus’s eternal wardens—for if Eagrus found his way back to the world, all would be lost. . .

Millennia later, an ancient hilltop shrine to Kauna, Lady of Song, collapsed, producing an unnaturally loud shock wave heard for miles around. When clearing away the rubble, monks discovered a stairway into the earth that had been sealed off and hidden beneath the altar. A novice descended into the gloom to investigate but he never returned. The monks are offering 500c to anyone who can provide more  information about what lies below, and an extra 500c if they bring the missing novice back alive.

Crypt of the Void Singer contains:

  • four monk NPCs to hook your players with rumors about the crypt
  • nine rooms to explore
  • two factions within the crypt: the followers of Bekara and the followers of Kauna
  • a dozen new creatures to encounter
  • six magic treasures to find
  • a Random Encounters table and a Delve Shift table tailored to the crypt

This is an entry in Nova's Zungeon Jam 2025:

NOTICE: This game is compatible with Knave 2e. Crypt of the Void Singer is an independent production of GhostwoodHotel and is not affiliated with Questing Beast LLC.


Crypt of the Void Singer (singles) 21 MB
Crypt of the Void Singer (spreads) 23 MB
Crypt of the Void Singer (low-res) 9.3 MB
CotVS map 2.6 MB

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